If you are logged into your account and looking at your own listing then you will not be able to see these options. We don't want you buying your own listing for obvious reasons.
To see your listing as it would appear to a potential buyer, you may either view the page after logging out of your account or open your listing in an incognito/private browser window.
This “contact customer support” page is very confusing. It takes several attempts to sign in, and notes it red that “Cookies must be enabled to sign in”. I click on the link to “enable them” and it takes me to a completely blank page. I don’t have to “enable cookies” on the Audiogon home page.
Anyway, I can’t find my listing again. I listed it 2 days ago. It is an Edge stereo amplifier. I can’t find it under amps by date listed, or by name. My name is Mularski. Please add the 3 days I have lost to my listing time.
Well, I don’t know why that separated like that.
I can only find it if I type in Edge under the search tab.
Lis9d46f. Is my listing number.
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